Geographic gauss conform, transverse mercator, utm and geocentric cartesian coordinates geocentric cartesian geographic, gauss conform, transverse mercator and utm coordinates dd. Converting a grid from one projection and datum to another. Geographic and vertical coordinate system tables note. Handbook for transformation of datums, projections, grids. The hartebeesthoek94 coordinate system became the official system in south africa on 1 january 1999 and superceded the previous cape datum system of coordinates.
The utm projection flattens the sphere 60 times by shifting the cylinder central meridian 6 for each zone. Coal 2019, the latest annual coal market report by the iea, analyses recent developments and provides forecasts through 2024 for coal. South african coordinate systems introduction the hartebeesthoek 1994 datum is the official geodetic datum for sa. The utm coordinate system is a universally used plane coordinate system except for polar regions.
To solve this issue, in flood action plan 19 fap 19 study a new projection system was evolved from the utm, and is known as btm projection system. Utm zones are flattened using the transverse mercator projection, and a rectangular grid network of straight horizontal and vertical lines is superimposed on each zone. There is less distortion and no scale factor is required. In a projection, the size and composition of the future population of an entity such as south africa is estimated. Overview of coordinate reference systems crs in r coordinate reference systems crs provide a standardized way of describing locations. Survey of south africa, and the unit of length of the tables is the. Arc 1960 utm zone 37s is a projected crs last revised on april 4, 2020 and is suitable for use in kenya south of equator and east of 36e. Although meridians inside the zone and on zone boundaries converge towards. Analysis of universal transverse mercator projection and. Datums, coordinate systems, coordinate reference systems and. The figure below shows the utm zones for north america.
Try setting a scale in the scale field, which is in the status bar along the bottom of the screen. An introduction to coordinate systems in southafrica. The midyear population estimates produced by statistics south africa stats sa uses the cohortcomponent method for. How universal transverse mercator utm works gis geography. For these applications the 2zones may be a limitation. The south african coordinate reference system part 1 by aslam parker, chief directorate. The coordinates thus derived define a location within a utm projection zone either north or south of the equator, but because the same coordinate system is repeated for each zone and hemisphere, it is necessary to additionally state the utm longitudinal zone and either the hemisphere or latitudinal zone to define the location uniquely worldwide. The 2017 revision of the world population prospects is the twentyfifth round of official united nations population estimates and projections, which have been prepared since 1951 by the population division of the department of. Windisp documentation this example converts a wgs84 utm. Document transformation technologies relationship and applications of utm projection and gaussskruger projection.
Mar 23, 2016 the common projections seen in south africa use the transverse mercator projection and can bee seen in some software as hartebeesthoek94 lo15 where the lo15 indicates the zone name named after the value of its origin, similarly to utm zones. Handbook for transformation of datums, projections, grids qe51ud01 and common coordinate systems 6. Universal transverse mercator utm standard mercator projections distort areas away from equator. Wgs 84 utm zone 35s is a crs for large and medium scale topographic mapping and engineering survey. Projection model qpm a socalled gap model which has played an integral. I live in canada, covering a lot of utm zones, and when not geographic latlong the provinces generally each use a projection that is appropriate for the size and shape of their region. There is a reference for utm grid coordinates within each zone. In the cohortcomponent method, a base population is estimated that is.
The transverse mercator map projection is an adaptation of the standard mercator projection. Utm projection divides the earth into 60 zones each 6 degrees of longitude wide. The datum was implemented in 1999 when it replaced the cape datum. This example converts a wgs84 utm zone 10 grid to nad27 utm zone 10. Like the traditional method of latitude and longitude, it is a horizontal position representation, which means it ignores altitude and treats the earth as a perfect ellipsoid. The ellipsoidal form of the transverse mercator projection was developed by carl friedrich gauss in 1825 and further analysed by johann heinrich louis kruger in 1912. The midyear population estimates produced by statistics south africa stats sa uses the cohortcomponent method for population estimation. As the name suggests, the universal transverse mercator projection is based on the cylindrical transverse mercator projection. Map projections and coordinate systems gis courses. Dont miss out on these opportunities to be among the first to get training on hecras 2d.
Its good where the cylinder is tangent to the earth idea. The current projection used in south africa is the gauss conform projection transverse mercator limited to 2. This datum was implemented in 1999 when it replaced the cape datum which was referenced to the modified clarke 1880 ellipsoid and had its origin point at buffelsfontein, near port elizabeth. The figure below shows the utm zones for south america. The south african coordinate reference system national geo. National geospatial information this article will define the various elements of the south african coordinate reference system sacrs in detail and, in particular, distinguish between a coordinate system projected and a geodetic datum. South africas economy struggles as world bank downgrades. A list of coordinate systems for south africa can be found on this site.
Distortion is primarily in the northsouth direction, and is illustrated in the developed surfaces by. Universal transverse mercator coordinate system wikipedia. South africas decline is worst among nations not at war. A list of coordinate systems for south africa can be found on epsg. May 10, 2016 introduction south africa is one of the most resourcerich countries in the world and a top producer of numerous mineral commodities. Download comprehensive business plans for south africa pdf, word and excel. This article will define the various elements of the south african coordinate reference system sacrs in detail and, in particular, distinguish between a coordinate system projected and a geodetic datum.
Universal transverse mercator utm projection geohub. Note that the map, which uses a global mercator projection, shows the zones in lines of parallel meridians ns lines and distorts the map most nearest the poles, and least nearest the equator. I know that there are always tradeoffs between different projection properties but id like to know if there is some standard projection that is recommended for subsaharan africa other than mercator. Introduction in a projection, the size and composition of the future population of an entity such as south africa is estimated. Numerous map projections and coordinate systems are used in south africa, especially for mapping purposes. Wgs 84 utm zone 35s uses the wgs 84 geographic 2d crs as its base crs and the utm zone 35s transverse mercator as its projection. Pan around the map while keeping an eye on the scale field. However, it differs from global latitudelongitude in that it divides earth into 60 zones and projects.
Proceedings of the 21st international cartographic conference icc durban, south africa, 10. Numerous map projections and coordinate systems are used in south africa. Relationship and applications of utm projection and gauss. Code name and aliases source geographic crs map projection projcrs axes units 26 accra ghana national grid ghana onshore.
Projected coordinate systems for botswana and zambia. When paired with a suitable geodetic datum, the transverse mercator delivers high accuracy in zones less than a few degrees in eastwest extent. Most gis software now implements the south african crs sacrs. The common projections seen in south africa use the transverse mercator projection and can bee seen in some software as hartebeesthoek94 lo15 where the lo15 indicates the zone name named after the value of its origin, similarly to utm zones. What isare the coordinate systems used in south africa. Introduction to the utm coordinate system measure evaluation.
The applications of this technology are wide and varied due to virtually unlimited potential. The business proposals include automated financial statements. Utm coordinates are based on a family of 120 transverse mercator map projections two for each utm zone, with one for each ns hemisphere. Many different crs are used to describe geographic data.
Area of use values are in decimal degrees based upon wgs 1984. South africa italy sweden norway belgium canada spain mexico poland good medium poor ability to manage epidemic score based on factors such as government effectivenes s, political stability potential lockdown start date w1 april latest states march 24th w4 march march 24th march 17th w4 march w4 march march 17th w4 march march 24th january. South africa s major logistics companies are finding the weak economic climate to be a major challenge, with a slowdown in manufacturing and mining production and consumer spending resulting in pressure on volumes. Utm zones for africa range from 28 to 39 and include both the n and s hemispheres. In south africa, a variation of the utm projection called the gauss conformal projection is used to define our national coordinate system. Geospatial information used on a wide range of applications covering large geographical extents, from provincial coverage to national coverage. South africa looks increasingly likely to miss its projections for gdp gross domestic product growth and faces a potential junk credit rating from all. The number of zones used to cover south africas extent are. Now the focus turns to the gauss conform coordinate system and the definition of the south african coordinate reference system sacrs.
The cylinder in the transverse mercator projection is tangent along a meridian line of longitude or it is secant, in which case it cuts through the earth at two standard meridians. Handbook for transformation of datums, projections, grids and. Use this file to get the crs definitions you need in southern africa, particularly south africa, lesotho, eswatini, zimbabwe and namibia. Datums, coordinate systems, coordinate reference systems and datum transformations dean c. The following sections show the utm zones for each continent. Universal transverse mercator utm crs in detail the universal transverse mercator utm coordinate reference system has its origin on the equator at a specific longitude. Midyear population estimates statistics south africa. The south african coordinate reference system it must be stressed that any position reported in the sacrs must be referenced to both the hartebeesthoek94 datum and the gauss conform coordinate system as defined earlier. A list of coordinate systems for south africa can be. Summary of projected epsg geodetic parameters coordinate. Bc uses albers equal area, alberta uses 10tm, saskatchewan uses an extended utm, the whole country is often covered with a lambert conformal conic and so on.
Home technical info software and utilities ngi coordinate conversion utility. The transverse version is widely used in national and international mapping systems around the world, including the utm. Army topographic engineer center report number 7701 telegraph road tecsr7 alexandria, va 223153864 9. Intro to coordinate systems and utm projection youtube.
T he gauss conform coordinate system as used in south africa uses the transverse mercator map projection formulae modified to produce westings y and southings x instead. Projected crs used in africa kenya and tanzania south of equator and east of 36e. This gives cartographers a map to work with always in meters. Between 24e and 30e, southern hemisphere between 80s and equator, onshore and offshore.
Wgs 84 utm zone 35s uses the wgs 84 geographic 2d crs as its base crs. Since close to 80% of trade is by sea, south africa is suitably placed to exploit this. This means, it is generally used all over the world. The imf still forecasts that africa will be the secondfastest growing region in the world between 2016 and 2020 with annual growth of 4. Therefore, issue arises in terms of projection accuracy when user goes for mapping the area of bangladesh that falls in both 45n and 46n utm zones e. Transverse mercator, utm and geocentric cartesian coordinates geocentric cartesian geographic, gauss conform, transverse mercator and utm coordinates dd. Apr 08, 2016 please watch before class on tuesday 44. Sep 29, 2017 therefore, utm is a conformal transverse projection. Large and medium scale topographic mapping and engineering survey. Utm zones extend from 80 degrees south to 84 degrees north. This is achieved by beaming custom generated 3d content to light up the projection area. Coal remains a major fuel in global energy systems, accounting for almost 40% of electricity generation and more than 40% of energyrelated carbon dioxide emissions. The hartebeesthoek94 datum is the official geodetic datum for south africa. With the help of your favourite search engine you may have found out by now that hartebeesthoek 1994 is a datum and not a projection.
The universal transverse mercator is horrible for smallscale lessdetailed maps like world atlases and perfect for mapping narrow regions. The crs that is chosen depends on when the data was collected, the geographic extent of the data, the purpose of the data, etc. Is there a standard projection for subsaharan africa. What the past five years have proved, however, is that africa s economic lions need to improve their fitness in order to make the most of their potential and continue their march towards prosperity. The universal transverse mercator utm is a system for assigning coordinates to locations on the surface of the earth. This datum was implemented in 1999 when it replaced the cape datum which was referenced to the modified clarke 1880 ellipsoid and had its origin point at. The ndp recognised the potential for developing south africa s ocean economy by acknowledging that south africa is a maritime nation with over 3000km of coastline straddling a major strategic shipping route.
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